Decisios is a workflow modelling software for including patients in "Clinical Routes".
These clinical pathways are defined by the user within the framework of an analysis of standardised patient treatments and analysed in advance in order to determine the precise stages of such a clinical pathway, or care pathway.
You define your patient, business, administrative and logistic itinerary
You manage the arrival of a new patient and his or her journey on your defined and tested itinerary
You guarantee quality in the daily management of the various clinical processes
Our tool ensures a clear and complete management of your processes and your patients.
You know at any time the status of your files and information related to the processes you are following.
You can easily manage your procedures thanks to a visual and intuitive interface.
You ensure a transversal communication of information with a simplified interface.
GCP (Directive UE 75/318/EEC)
GDPR (Règlement UE) 2016/679
You generate usage statistics
and manage your KPIs (key performance indicators).
You improve patient management
and the follow-up of their clinical itinerary.
You reduce the risk of errors,
as each actor knows exactly what actions to take.
You optimise the resources available
thanks to the systemic approach of the tool.
You communicate and interact with the patient.
You gain economic efficiency at all levels (cost, time, safety, logistics).
You optimise the quality and efficiency of care as well as staff coordination and patient communication.
You integrate with other medical DPI tools such as those of Zorgi.
You can visualise the steps where corrective actions are needed.
You budget your patient journeys accurately.
You adopt a harmonised and standardised method of your procedures ensuring smooth patient management.